Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Time To Nominate

                                                      Top 10 !

 # 1     Hector Gabriel :  Elderly people are considered valuable person who have to guided. Old people tend to go back through stages of their lives, by that they need to be guarded 24 / 7. They should also be treated with respect an dwith love because some can get in depression beacuse they feel lonely and after time even die. 

# 2      Albert Michael : African Americans have been struggling since the foundation of the United States. Not because of skin color, but because of their origin they are mistreated. Also because men American Men can feel can feel inferior to them, all because of their ignorance.

# 3     Gabriela Adams : Criminals have been around for ever, some are bad, some committed a crime defending themselves. But not all are in prison, some are paying time in prison because of others, and others have never been caught.

# 4      Mykaella Morales : Gays are men and women with natural desires and are critized because of their sexual preference. They should be treated the same beacuse gay or not they are still human beens and they have feelings.

# 5      Stephanie Ruiz :  Women Rights is an interesting topic because years ago women used to be inferior to men, nut nowadays they are equal. Now women are even more superior to men because some womens get paid more than men because of their jobs. Thats a problem for men because men like to superior to women.

# 6     Hector Porrata : Voting in Puerto Rico should be legal since the teenager has the knowledge to decide what is better for them beacuse of that depends their future.

# 7     Jan Paul Pérez : Veternas should be rewarded in anyways for the time they server the nation. Also because of them exposing their lives there.

# 8    Nelsharry Baerga : All handicap people should be treated equal because we never know if they can do it even better than someone with out it.

# 9  Andres Rivera :  All Religions should have the same rights, because what all of them are trying to do is do better things for the community.

# 10   Celimar Torres :  Immigrants should be allowed anywhere because they come to work, and they do the jobs that most people hate.

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